Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Great Break

Finally back from spring break. I find it a little weird but also kind of cool that everyone in America at some point during March just says:
"I'm takin' a break."
"For how long?" (someone might ask)
"Oh about a week"
"Oh, so you're taking a vacation"
"Nope just takin a break"
"Is it a holiday?"
"Nope just takin a break"
"Oh.....can I take a break?"
"Sure, I think everyone is."
" What do we do on this break?"
"Well everyone get's drunk on Saint Patty's day, and most of the college kids go to the beach, but for the most part you can do whatever you want."
"Can I stay at home, never get out of my pajamas, eat ice cream, and watch the full season of Battle Star Galactica on dvd?"
"yea....if you want"
"Awesome! I love spring break!"
"Me too Dwight, Me Too"

Sorry about that I think I just eluded to a scene of The Office that was never written, but I think you get my point. Spring Break isn't a holiday or any week of any real significance except for the fact that every school just says "we've had enough , we're takin a break."

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